We had some of our amazing grassroots writers competing this weekend. As part of our new migration to all things online with our media coverage, we felt it was the perfect time to interview them for the website and see how they faired this weekend. We kick this off with an interview with the one and only Rising Star Laura Sinnott aka @Equimurphy.
Laura was competing in a big show this weekend and it was her first time competing at this kind of show so we were all curious to see how it went. We won’t give away too much, you’ll have to read on to find out how it went. All we’ll say is, we’re incredibly proud of you Laura.
Who are you and what we’re you doing this weekend?
I’m Laura Sinnott aka EquiMurphy, I brought my retrained racehorse Riley to our first ever international show at Millstreet to jump the 90s.
How did the event go?
The event went better than I could have expected! Riley really put his big boy pants on to go clear in the 90s on Saturday to get his first rosette and then we had an unlucky pole in the 90 final on Sunday to place us 13th overall. Barely missing out on a top 10 placing due to my boots Busting mid round!

We’re you nervous in the run up to it and how did you deal with those nerves?
I was so busy all week working I didn’t get a chance to be nervous until I arrived and then it hit me like a brick wall! My stomach was in knots I put so much pressure on myself! But I felt that fear and did it anyway, you’ve got to push yourself and believe in yourself.
How was SDS Presenting Blu aka Riley all weekend?
He was gold! Between settling into the stables to the warmup to the ring all the way to the actual ring. My boot broke mid round which put him off a bit flapping around but he regained focused and carried on like a saint. For a horse that is not long in retraining, he put it up to some top horses!
What were you most proud of this weekend?
As proud as I am of Riley for keeping his cool and taking it all like a champ im also proud of myself I was unbelievably nervous going into the round so to almost come into the top 10 at our first international I’m just over the moon.

How are you feeling now?
I am exhausted! The heat definitely took its toll on both of us but I am on Cloud 9 all the same!
What kind of confidence or belief will this give you for the future?
I can’t even put it into words! He made me beyond proud of how he handled it all, it’s given me such a huge belief in bringing him to some bigger events in the future
What in store next for you both?
I’m hoping to bring Riley to Cavan next and hopefully get a ODE under our belts before the season is out. If possible, I’d like to move up to a meter.