I am sure that the recent programme on the torture and suffering of horses at Shannon Side Foods Abattoir is something that most people will now be aware of. The outrage and general upset it has caused amongst the public is phenomenal and of course the awareness it has raised is fantastic because something can and hopefully will be done to help the animals that will go through that channel in the future.
But something that I have noticed over the years – is that when stories like this break – people are outraged – protests are staged, demands on change is put in place and at that moment in time, people come together to do what they can to help improve these animals situation. But – animal cruelty is a never ending thing – a daily ongoing crisis, so my question is – why is it only when something hits the headlines are we demanding fairer and better treatment of animals.
Why can we overlook a pony that is being starved in a paddock – or beaten down the road – bleeding from the mouth. What about the animals that are taken in daily by animal rescue centres in vile conditions – or even something as basic as elderly horses and ponies “free to good home” on social media. We as a nation are failing our animals. EVERY SINGLE DAY. It seems that on an ongoing daily crisis, which is only getting worse, we are picking and choosing our battles according to what is trending at the time. Don’t get me wrong – I know there are advocates out there battling the system every day – but these are in the minority – these are the unsung heroes of the animal world – but what about the rest of us? Why don’t we hold the same passion for ALL animals – not just those we see getting beaten on tv.
In 2014 I was invited to The Dail to discuss the new animal welfare legislation after organizing one of Ireland’s most successful protests against Animal Cruelty. I am to this day proud to see that some of the suggestions I put forward are still in place, in what are amongst some of Europe’s toughest animal welfare laws…. But where I lack this pride – is in the judicial system – where abusers get what I would consider a slap on the wrists – where lengthy jail sentences should be imposed. Getting a caution where they should be make pay hefty fines. Any type of punishment that will be worthy of the heinous acts of cruelty they perform on these innocent animals.
I’m ashamed to live in a country where the value of any animals right to live without fear, abuse and being frightened is so disgustingly unimportant. I’m embarrassed to admit that as a nationality, we are all forced to live in a country that is renowned for what could be seen as some of the worst animal abuse and welfare, globally. I am disgusted that our Government and legal system seems to refuse to act upon the laws that are in place and deal punishments accordingly.
We as a nation HAVE to do more for the animals of Ireland. Not just when they are a trending topic – but permanently. We have to support those who currently ARE the voices of these animals – those who are the ones out protesting every day in all weather conditions. Those who are the ones trying to save these animals from pain and torture across ALL levels. The pony in the yard down the road to the big thoroughbred at the end of his life. Change requires consistency and it can’t be done by a handful of people – so whilst we are so busy casting criticism at those who do the abusing, maybe we should look in the mirror and wondering how each and every one of us can do more…..there’s a saying about how it takes a village – but in this case – it has to take the whole nation as a whole.