A couple of weeks back we put up a post saying we wanted to give some grassroots businesses some free media coverage as we prepare to take on some new media advertising partners here at The Grassroots Gazette. 25 enquiries later, some wonderful messages received asking for coverage and incredible stories told by owners to describe their businesses. We have picked more than the initial 3 that we said we would give €300 worth of Media coverage to. Some of the stories or ideas were simply too good, we were sold!!
Enter Gavin Blanchfield and @EWI. One of the very cool grassroots businesses that got in touch with us was Equine Wellness Ireland. We were curious to say the least especially after seeing the incredible traction from the HAY “How Are Ya” Campaign in January/February and #StressAffectsUsAll Campaign we did in April. After chatting with Gavin the owner, we picked Equine Wellness Ireland as one of the brands we wanted to give some free coverage to.
Equine Wellness Ireland is a fantastic idea focusing on wellness and mental health but also pulling more corporate companies into the equine industry. One of the biggest worries we get told all the time is the wider publics lack of understanding around the value of horses to people… not the financial value, all the other things horses can offer. The mental side, the kinetic energy and the power horses have supporting people… call it Equine Assisted Learning or Equine Assisted Therapy… horses can do magical things for the mind. But usually only horse owners truly understand this.
With Equine Wellness Ireland and the timing of this idea and launch of the business, this could all change. If we can get corporates from across Ireland embracing horses or ponies as part of their wellness programmes for staff… this all changes!! The narrative changes, the understanding changes and the optics change. To hear Gavin talk so passionately about what the idea is now but more importantly what it could become… it was a powerful change with someone with both serious focus and plans. We felt we had to pick Gavin, Ashling and Equine Wellness Ireland after that chat.
This project has the chance to showcase how horses can support wellness in employees and staff at a corporate level across Ireland. Gavin is really passionate and we feel his timing with this idea is perfect.
So let’s kick this off and learn a whole lot more about the idea, the business and their plans for the future.
Who are you? And What do you do?
Equine Wellness Ireland, a wellness service aimed at the corporate market.
Our mission is to help corporate and professional workforces disconnect from everyday stresses.We do this by providing an onsite experience that reconnects clients with the sensory force of nature, specifically through equine energies.
Tell us a little about your business and how the idea came about?
(Gavin) I have a background in corporate management. I spotted a gap in the market for a wellness/wellbeing service that could be accurately measured as an offering, rather than the box ticking offering of an ice cream truck.
Ashling is immersed in the equestrian lifestyle personally, professionally and an educational background also. With both passions and skill sets, we were ready made to make the move into the corporate environment.

Who do you do it for? Who is your target market and why?
With the equipment and initial investment required to arrive onsite, we aim to the large corporations and multinational companies.
This business model comes not only from a financial model but also from an infrastructural campus layout. The larger businesses have the space available to get the full potential of the service we offer
Describe your business in 1 sentence.
We help corporate Ireland ‘Just Breathe’.
What makes your service / product unique or special?
Currently we are a first in market service like this. While equine therapy is in use in the corporate away days, our USP is that we bring the farm to you.
This allows us to expand the experience vastly to the employer, while only engaging the employee for a smaller time period. Meaning we can offer the same experience between 40-60mins onsite, rather than a full day offsite.
For the large multinationals, this means the cost benefit is extremely beneficial against the impact of the business as usual activities.

Why do you do what you do?
We are very lucky that we get to combine our professional skills into our passions.
What are the problems you solve?
Employee disengagement is well documented at the moment. We are looking to get that connection of interest back in the workplace, by allowing employees experience small stress relieving techniques and self awareness exercises to help them refocus.
What is the mission of your business?
Promote equine therapy and abilities, while offering a tranquil space to employees to self reflect.
What values are important to your business?
Employee wellbeing and care is the driver and deliverable for our business.
Where does the industry need to change/transform/improve?
Employee wellness is moving to the forefront of employment very rapidly. While wellness and wellbeing has been important and actioned, we offer a science back service that is measurable in return. We would like to see business move away from simple gratification offerings, to annual wellbeing programmes. Something we can deliver.

Goals for the next 12-24 Months?
Cement some key accounts and establish the brand in the wellness category.
Expand the offering to an onsite and offsite model.
There’s a couple of other ideas that we have expanded on but are not ready to be offered yet.
Corporate Equine Domination (or booked out 9 months of the year).
Your key message to potential new customers?
Equine energy has a scientifically proven ability to reduce stress levels – while promoting feelings of wellness. This scientific phenomenon happens when the electromagnetic field of the horse’s “coherent heart pattern” exacts a positive influence on our own heartbeat.
An immersive experience, comprising 20 to 30 minutes in our wellness programme, brings optimal feelings of well-being while promoting emotional states of calm.
The result? An ability to negotiate stressful scenarios more efficiently.
Where can people follow or find your business to learn more?
LinkedIn @equine wellness Ireland
Instagram @ewi
Businesses like Equine Wellness Ireland led by Gavin and Ashling have the potential to impact the mental health and wellness of others in such a positive way. They have the potential to showcase the value of horses in a whole new setting and to showcase what we all, already know. Horses have an incredible influence on our mind and bodies. They are so much more than a sport horse.
Equine Wellness Ireland is on a journey to showcase how horses can play a big role in employees wellbeing and in how corporates approach the mental health and wellbeing of their staff.
Of course, it will take 3-5 corporates in Ireland to lead the way, be truly progressive and have a positive influence on their staff while setting new trends and being seen as a leader in this space. It is a cracking idea that just needs some initial support before it rockets up, of that, we are sure.
We are curious who the trend setters will be, which corporates will lead this? Being at the forefront of something so progressive isn’t for everyone… it is for the change makers, the disruptors, those that put their employees first!!
We’re delighted to have picked Equine Wellness Ireland, Gavin and Ashling for this project. We are big believers in your vision and more importantly, your mission.