When I think back of who my horse hero was there really was only one special soul. It all began when I started riding lessons when I was five years old & had been begging for a pony as soon as I could talk. One summers evening my Dad said that the cattle had broken out and “quick Nicola we have to go get them”. We ran down the drive and I spotted a jeep and horsebox parked along the road, and a beautiful 12.2hh palomino pony was being led out of the box. I was in love. To this day that evening is my favourite memory.

Dad said I had her for a weeks trail to see if she was suitable, but within a few minutes I knew she was the one. Every day I would ask him if she was mine and on the seventh day after our dinner Dad handed me a big envelope & inside was her passport. She was mine. Molly was my dream pony & my best friend. We did absolutely everything together & she taught me so much.

Patience, hard work, to be brave and get back up after falling down (many, many times!) and dedication to always look after her. We went hacking for hours every Sunday, forest rides, fun runs & show jumping. I owe everything to Molly, she gave me so much confidence, and without her my riding school & livery yard Derryham Stables may not exist. She was the first little pony to kick-start my dream, and when I was a qualified instructor years later, Molly was my first school pony. She was there for my first lessons & summer camps from the very start.
We stayed together for 20 years until I had to make the toughest decision to let her go at age 27. She will always be my heart horse, and I am forever grateful that Dad chose me the perfect pony all those years ago.