When I think of my horse hero, I think of my horse Honey. To many she may not be anything special as she has no fancy breeding or anything, but to me this homebred mare is more than special.
I remember when I was 11 years of age getting a phone call to say, “the mare has foaled, come and see it”. My uncle Herbie always had horses and my father probably blamed him for getting me into them and catching the bug. Herbie bred Honey and little did I know she would be mine in a few years to come. I was the one who handled the foals as Herbie was not as keen on handling them. I handled Honey and other foals from a young age and brought them to local agricultural shows. Herbie then realised maybe my new way of doing things was not so bad and wanted to see what more I could do with Honey.
Honey became mine and came to live with me and my other horses, but she was my main project and I put all my time and effort into her. I had amazing people that helped me with her as I was learning too and as I was often reminded “green and green makes black and blue”. Honey and I started slow with lots of groundwork and got there gradually. We hacked and hacked as I enjoyed the countryside and I like to think she did too. My favourite thing to do with her is cross country as she would not think twice and really filled me with confidence, so I would build my own cross county jumps out of anything and everything. Honey was great as I did not always have the biggest amount of time as I had my school exams, but just going to muck her out or see her in the field was great as she was a break away from everything else that was going on and she was always up for a hack.
I had and have so many plans for Honey’s future however somethings never go to plan and maybe that’s for a reason. However, for now me and Honeys plans have been put on pause and are uncertain for the future due to some medical issues but that does not make her any less of a hero horse to me. She is certainly part of the family, and I will do everything I can to ensure it stays that way for as long as possible. My own family have been a great help as they look after her as I have started collage doing a degree in Equine Management, but when I come home it’s always nice to see her ears prick up when I say her name. She has taught me lots and I can take all that she has taught me into my future
As | heard once “Some horses will test you, some will teach you and some will bring out the best in you”, well l like to think Honey has done all that.