We recently had the pleasure of sitting down with Helen O’Hanlon to chat about the launch of her new online coaching programme. Helen has a beautiful way of looking at the world, supporting people and a real ability to help people think through things and make strides forward.
Last year Helen won the Breaking Barriers award at our Grassroots Gala for her brilliant work, articles and insights into improving your mind, your outlook, and fundamentally, breaking barriers that may be stopping you fulfilling your potential. Helen has also recently launched a newsletter, developed a new logo and brand so we were buzzing to get to chat with her about her plans for the future. So let’s kick this off.

Who are you and what do you do?
I am Helen O’Hanlon & I am a secondary school teacher, a horsemanship instructor & life coach. I live just outside Mallow in North Cork where I run a small yard. I am passionate about life long learning & helping both horses & humans to reach their full potential.
Tell us a little about yourself and your background?
I grew up on a farm & have always loved the outdoors & animals. I learned so much living on a farm & I am very grateful for that experience. When I finished school, I did a degree in English & Geography, mainly because I really enjoyed those subjects in school, so kudos to my teachers for that.
When I finished my degree, I wanted to do veterinary medicine & was successful in getting a place, however I turned it down because in the mean time I had found natural horsemanship & realised that was what I really wanted to do. Since then I have qualified as a secondary school teacher, completed masters in education & coaching psychology & have travelled all over the world learning about horses. I have met so many wonderful people along the way & look forward to all the adventures that lie ahead.

Tell us about your business and brand?
My business is Helen O’Hanlon Coaching & I was inspired to build my business to support people just like me, people who loves horses & want to be a success with them. Regardless of level or life stage you can be excellent with horses & in control of your own journey.
My business is built on the pillars of inspiration, education & support. I offer lessons & clinics throughout the year in person, as well as online support in the form of my 12 week one to one coaching programme & also via my group course that I run every January.
Tell us about your why? WHY do you do what you do?
In 2006 I had a bad accident riding a race horse & it knocked my confidence into the minus numbers. I was so shaken afterwards that to even carry out simple tasks with a horse was beyond me. My recovery focused on improving my skillset, understanding horse behaviour & approaches that aided relaxation & connection for horse & human.
The second focus was on my mindset fostering a sense of safety within my self & also creating space to be a success. The two have to work in tandem in order to reach your full potential. These are straightforward concepts, but they truly are the work of a lifetime.
I want people to have the life with horses that they deserve, that drives me forward every day.

What inspired you to create this online training programme with a focus on mindset coaching?
It means that I can offer my service to anyone regardless of location.
Furthermore, I am a huge advocate of working on your horsemanship away from your horse. So much can be achieved by working solo on knowledge acquisition & mindset work. It means that when you do physically engage with your horse you have a plan & are more in harmony with yourself. When we are in greater harmony with ourselves it is easier for our horses to harmonise with us.
How will this programme benefit equestrians of all levels, from beginners to advanced riders?
My programme is beneficial for all equestrians regardless of age or stage, it is a secure space where people can look at their equestrian lives through the lens of curiosity & compassion. By setting aside time to raise our awareness we are developing a climate where change can occur. These can be behavioural changes or how we view our equestrian experiences.
The programme is also peppered with education on horse psychology, behaviour & neuroscience, to ensure success for both horse & human. This element really helps people to move away from the mindset that the horse is against us or actively trying to hamper our progress to an empowered mindset that views the horse as a partner who is not invested in struggle or conflict.

Can you describe the process of the one-to-one coaching sessions that are included in the programme?
Usually when working with clients our sessions are divided into two parts, coaching & mentoring.
Coaching is non-directive meaning that the client sets the tone & I engage with the narrative or situation that they have put forward, by asking questions & being curious about their reality. This allows the client to feel seen & heard in their experience. These discussions often bring about greater awareness & clarity.
The second part is a mentoring approach where I may volunteer educational information, strategies & approaches that may be helpful to the client.
In my work I use an integrative approach which means that I draw on several different methodologies & approaches depending on the client’s needs.
These methodologies include horse & human neuroscience as well as somatic work, breath work, stress management strategies, cognitive behavioural coaching, positive psychology, mindfulness, psychometrics, psychodynamics & metacognition.
What are some of the most common mindset challenges that equestrians face, and how does your programme address them?
Clients not feeling good enough about themselves (both on a conscious & unconscious level) therefore not achieving the success they want & deserve.
There can also be specific behaviours or approaches that may or may not be serving the client well, these are areas that we carefully unpack throughout the sessions. Knowledge is power in life when you know more about yourself you can better understand yourself & navigate life with greater ease.
It’s also important to state that the client leads the sessions I just follow. The sessions are a space where the client can be themselves.
The programme helps people to unlock their potential & engage with their equestrian life with greater joy, which is something that we all want.

How long does the programme last, and what is the time commitment required?
The programme lasts for 12 weeks & the time commitment is two hours each week.
The duration of the programme has been very carefully considered, 12 weeks is an ideal length of time to raise awareness & in turn create behavioural change.
What kind of support do participants receive during and after the programme?
The 12-week programme includes one to one sessions, weekly check ins as well as customised resources for each client, all for the cost of a weekly lesson. Post-programme clients can book sessions on an ad hoc basis & they have life time access to all the resources from the online programme.
Are there any prerequisites or requirements for participants to join the programme?
There are no prerequisites just a willingness to learn more about yourself & your horse.
What advice would you give to someone who is considering enrolling in the programme, but is unsure if it is the right fit for them?
Send me an email or book a free discovery call to see if the programme is a good fit for your current situation. I am always happy to answer questions & I promise I’m not scary 😉.
Where can people find out more Helen?
You can book your place here: https://www.helenohanloncoaching.com/online-coaching-programme
You can also contact me through my website www.helenohanloncoaching.com or email me @ helenohanloncoaching@gmail.com
There is also a programme overview & costing section on my website for prospective clients to check out.
I am also on Facebook & Instagram at Helen O’Hanlon Coaching