How to become an equestrian content creator 

In this day and age social media has become a big part of many peoples lives, but it can be daunting putting yourself out there. Here are my top tips to get started!

Choose your main platform 

While it’s important to have a presence across all social media platforms, you need to to pick which one you’re going to dedicate the most of your time to because at the end of the day you’ll really only be known for one. YouTube used to be the main platform but nowadays it’s Instagram and TikTok because people prefer short form content. 

If you want the best chance at going “viral” or “blowing up” then TikTok is your best bet. It’s the easiest place to grow a following at the moment and once you have that following you can always encourage people to check out your other platforms such as Instagram and YouTube. 

Find your niche 

Once you’ve settled on a platform then you need to find your niche. You might think – like I did at first – that being an equestrian is your niche but you need to narrow it down and be more specific. What do you want to be known for? What type of content do you want to create? Figuring this out will really help you to attract the right type of followers to your account. 

Your ideal follower 

Speaking of the “right type of follower” – have you ever followed someone who’s account you just can’t get enough of because it feels as though they’re speaking directly to you? You need to figure out exactly who your ideal follower is so that when you’re talking to the camera or writing out a caption, you’re communicating directly with this person. That’s how you end up finding lots of great people that you have lots in common with who are invested in your journey. 

Create your account 

There comes a point where you just have to go for it and start! This is often easier said than done and I know first hand how daunting it can be to put yourself out there but trust me, it’s worth it in the end. When you start out, things will be messy and it’s not going to be your finest work but you’ll learn and improve as you go on. 

Be consistent 

We’re getting down to the harder parts now – you have to be consistent. It’s really not about the number of followers you have or how fast you’re growing, focusing on those things will only leave you feeling disheartened. Just remember that you might gain a thousand followers overnight  from one viral video but nothing beats the engagement you will get from organic growth. 

Have fun!! 

This is the most important part. Just remember to be your genuine self, have fun and get creative. There is absolutely no point in doing all the previous steps if your heart isn’t in it 1000%.

I hope you found this article helpful.  I’m not saying I’m an expert by any means or that I have a massive following, because I don’t, but I do love creating content and I’m always happy to help out anyone who messages me looking for advice in that area. 

If you’re interested in learning some more or have any topics you’d like me to cover let me know and I might (potentially) make this into a series. 


How to become an equestrian content creator 

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