In a generation of AI and social media – are we forgetting to look at what’s in front of us, unless it’s on a phone screen?

John Whitaker recently hit the headlines late last year for this quote:

‘When I was young I spent my time at shows watching those in higher classes, watching what they did, how many strides they took, how they warmed up. Now I see the next generations of jumpers spending their down time at shows with their head in their phones, missing out on valuable lessons.

Read it – then read it again and then visualise any show scene – at any level. In your mind’s eye – you know he’s right. The majority of people have heads down, oblivious to what is going on around them – ignoring the rider in the ring and only really looking up if there is the commotion of a fall or a refusal.  Now – if you are of the older generation – think back to how showjumping used to be – spectators, gathered around the arena SPECTATING!!!!  Watching rounds – actually commenting on how the rider took a line, or what they might have done differently – but overall having the good grace to watch.  

Showjumping – in fact any discipline nowadays is losing the interest in actually seeing what’s happening in the ring – there might be slightly more interest in watching jump off lines – or if there is a horse being particularly troublesome – but again cast your mind to a show – even horses that are in que to jump will have riders on their phones scrolling away – losing the opportunity to seek out troublesome strides, or a spooky corner.

We live in a technological word – I get that, but surely – we have time for both that and the time to spend actual quality time with our horses – and friends! Time where we can make eye contact when we’re speaking to someone – not mumble from looking at a phone. And it also takes me to the thought of all time that we are losing with our precious horses. Again – those of the older generation will remember the hours spent in the yard – with our packed lunches, getting dropped off first thing in the morning and not being collected until as late as possible – weekends and holidays spent grooming horses to within an inch of their life. Saddling up and heading off on adventures hours long to wherever the road might take us.  Holding little yard competitions amongst ourselves or even just taking that time to sit and chat.  I just don’t see it anymore.

One thing I hear – far too often – is how this day’s generation will never have the memories that we had growing up – and whilst I am sure they are quite happy with their lives, and don’t know what we had – I find it sad, that there will never be stories like we had before them. 

Horses and ponies are so much more than something you ride – the bonding that can be done from the ground is actually incredible.  The joy in just taking your horse for a walk, spending quiet time together strengthens your bond – opens your eyes to traits you might otherwise never notice. Even sitting with your horse in the field is an experience that everyone should have. No phone, no iPod – no nothing, but each other.

Time is short and life is precious – so don’t miss the real important things for a TikTok video!

And as John Whitaker says – don’t miss valuable learning time and tips, from watching those who ride at the same shows.


In a generation of AI and social media – are we forgetting to look at what’s in front of us, unless it’s on a phone screen?

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