A couple of weeks have passed since the Dressage National Championships finsihed up so we caught up with some of the winners across the weekend as the dust settled down on an incredible weekend in Mullingar Equestrian Centre. We start this series by interviewing a couple of the winning MWR team after their first Nationals win.
Congratulations on your incredible victory Cassandra! Can you share your initial reactions when you found out you had won?
- Surprise! Elation! Disbelief! We didn’t even know we had won at first. This was also the first year there were multiple teams from regions making it even harder.
How does it feel winning as part of a team?
- It’s the first National title for all of us. I came close a couple of times but it’s really special to share that experience with others. This isn’t an individual title so it shows how well we did as a whole.
How did you, and your horse prepare for this competition?
- You build up to Nationals. After Winter Finals in April we did the Wild Atlantic Dressage Festival which was great to have on our doorstep for a young horse. Then a local show or two and a break for July in the field to relax. Then in August we started back again with the build up for Nationals and two local shows where we did our first novice test. We only did 3 preliminary tests and 3 novice tests in total to get our scores for Nationals this summer. Finally, we attended the Para Equestrian Ireland training camp in Necarne at the end of August and it was great to get feedback from FEI judge Hanneke Gerritsen and BD judge Sarah Rodgers. Also, having a training session with former National Champion Dane Rawlins set us up well and the last week or two before is keeping things calm and relaxed.
Describe the bond you’ve developed with your horse that has brought you here at The Nationals?
- Remi is a very special young horse that I bought as a 3 year old untouched and brought on and produced myself. It was just before Covid so he’s a “Covid baby” and the time spent bringing him on slowly during that time is now paying off. It’s very much a partnership. He loves to work and is a very curious and playful horse. Everyone who meets him is smitten as he’s so friendly and genuine.
What was the most memorable moment from your performance at the Dressage Ireland National Championships this weekend?
- I can’t really pick one moment as there were lots both inside and outside the arena. Scoring 74% from one judge was a highlight but seeing how well Remi handled the atmosphere of a big show and performed consistently well throughout the weekend was a standout. It was his first Nationals and he was with me every step never shying away from the atmosphere or environment and brought home a 3rd and 4th in the preliminary and novice championship and won the Para Equestrian Ireland members challenge.
Winning as a team is a fantastic achievement. Can you tell us about the teamwork and support that is needed to be successful?
- Even competing as an individual there’s a whole team involved before you even go out your door. Your vet, farrier, dentist, saddler, physiotherapist, craniosacral etc. Then there’s the people who help you at home – my mum came to Nationals to help and dad drove us to his first show. All these people aren’t seen in the arena but they’re all integral to us.
What do you want to say to your teammates? The smiles in the photos said a lot.
- Congratulations! It’s not easy to win at Nationals and to win together is a memory I’ll never forget!
How important is the backing and belief of your support group in achieving this level of success? It really does take a village.
- Previously I mentioned those behind the scenes people and then you also have a lot of people who support you in lots of small ways too – friends who pick you up when you’re having a tough day and give advice, or just having a laugh and chat on the phone. That’s invaluable!
If you want to give a shout out to any sponsors, partners, colleagues or anyone we have missed: Shout now 😉
- Just to say thanks to anyone who has supported me in any way both now and in the past!
What lessons have you learned from your journey in dressage that have had a positive impact on your life beyond the arena?
- At some point you have to take a leap of faith. You can train and prepare but you have to be brave and go outside your door to grow and learn.
Reflecting on your experience, what would you say is the most valuable thing you’ve gained from your partnership with your horse?
- Remi’s show name is “Lots of Joy” and he does bring so much joy to my life and reminds me to find that in my day. He is such a character and I can’t help but smile when I see something like him sharing his breakfast with my dog Robyn or trying to open the gate handles in his paddocks. It’s also amazing to see how he is so willing to work with me when I don’t have much feel or strength in my left leg. It takes a special horse to be a Para riders horse.
How do you plan to continue your journey in dressage, and what are your future goals?
- We’ll spend the winter training, doing strengthening and conditioning work and hacking. Short term we’ll probably try and take in an elementary in the new year and a medium and Para test by the end of next year. Long term? I’m a Grade V Para rider and it’s a dream of mine to get to a Paralympics and Remi is talented enough that I hope we can get there together.
Where can people follow your journey online?
- My Facebook and Instagram under Cassandra Morris