We’ve all been there – at a show, struggling to hear the loud speaker announcements over the crowd, wind or what can generally be an unclear tannoy system, or, alternatively we just don’t hear it at all – it becomes white noise in the background as we chat with friends, concentrate on watching what’s going on in the rings around us – or are busy warming up or helping someone warm up.

So the probability of missing the announcer calling out your registration and asking you to return to your vehicle – is high. Too high in fact. Which is why these magnetic Emergency Contact numbers are something I firstly – cannot understand, took this long to be available and secondly – is not actually a necessity for all vehicles carrying animals.
A good size – clearly printed with room for two emergency numbers – the sign itself is clear – Horse Under Distress – please call owner. Pure, simple, uncomplicated English that can alert people to the fact that your contact number is on there – eliminating the need to send people rushing to the announcers, they can simply call you – or the second emergency contact number – which ideally would be for someone that attends shows with you – but if not -maybe a family member, who can alert you to the emergency, in case you’re someone who doesn’t answer unknown numbers!
These simplicity but effectiveness of these signs lead me to believe that no horse owner or transporter should be without one of these – easily detachable if you don’t want to leave it up on your vehicle or box -the advantages to it are endless:
If your horse needs urgent attention – you getting there can save on vet bills and of course limit the distress your horse is in.
If perhaps your horse has got stuck, maybe a leg over the bar or has kicked the partition onto another horse – you can get to the incident faster, potentially eliminating further damage or injury.
Even if it’s a case of a nasty fight going on in the box between two horses – being alerted to it is important – maybe even educational – because it could be something you might otherwise never be aware of – it might explain why a particular horse is so bad to load and so on!!
Honestly – I could write out scenarios and reasons why this sign should be a necessity for every vehicle – but I don’t need to – because fellow horse owners will automatically know.
These retail for about €20 – which is exceptionally good value for money.
Contact details for Jump Start Show Jumps listed below!
Phone: John – 086-7337925
Email: John@jumpstartshowjumps.ie
Website: wwwjumpstartshowjumps.ie