Talking Customers, comfort and cantilevered!
Saddles are heavily rooted in tradition. This isn’t to say they haven’t developed and changed over time but maybe a break from tradition is what the saddle industry needs! With constantly growing data, owners being far more in tune with their equipment and so may options out there it’s definitely worth exploring. The Bua is an Irish answer to the question everyone ask when it comes to our saddles, Can we improve it and make it more comfortable for horse and rider?
I’ve personally used the Bua Saddle for almost a year and it has been a game changer in my journey as a pararider. Freya has also loved it as the unique design offers ways to help her carry me better without sacrificing her comfort.
So let’s sit down with Ivor Young, International Business Development Manager of Lam Technologies Ltd. Owners of Bua Saddles.

Can you tell us a bit about yourself and Bua Saddles?
My background is in Tourism Management and I was involved in the family business of Residential Equestrian Holidays for some 27 years. I have been drawn to new innovations, computers, phones, gadgets of all kinds including horse equipment.
My brother and I introduced the Australian equestrian sport of Polocrosse to Ireland in 1995, and have made worldwide friends in that discipline from team visits, coaching and supporting a number of other countries get started themselves.
I sold my tourism operation in 2006 and looked into an equestrian business that could be owner run and managed.
This included establishing an On-Site Service business for Equissage which brought me into contact with literally thousands of riders and horses many with either performance, injury or back related issues. In addition with my ongoing training, I had the opportunity of private tuition in Equine Thermography by Amy Mottram of Horse Anatomy U.K. This has been a game changer and has helped take the guess work out of ‘What might be causing a horse problems’. On my rounds, I came across the Bua Saddle and it’s unique tree technology and very soon afterwards (after more training), I joined the Bua Team as a field operative in the U.K. and Ireland.

The Bua saddle has roots in the old military saddles. How has that been brought into the present?
The old Military saddles did have a dual tree element, but were a ton weight and the challenge for the Bua inventor and design team was to find a material that was both lightweight and strong which could offer greater levels of comfort to both horse and rider. The Bua team looked to materials used in aerospace technology and the result was a high performance composite thermoplastic material.
Cantilevered tree, can you explain what this means?
I suppose designers and inventors regularly come across the word cantilevered but simply speaking it could be described as a ‘U’ lying on its side.
So we have a separate tree for the horse and rider, both connected and formed as one piece, the riders seat is invisibly hinged from the front giving the saddle an adjustable suspension capability.

It is important that the saddle is comfortable for the horse and rider as a team. How do you achieve this?
As mentioned, the adjustable suspension seat technology helps reduce the riders concussion on the horse as they sit down into the saddle. In addition this technology helps reduce riders own back strain on very long hacks and trees, hence the saddle being used for International Endurance competitions. The panels which sit on the horses back are flexible and move in real time with the horses back allowing for greater overall flexibility and shoulder freedom. In addition these panels are wider than standard saddles, again helping with rider weight distribution over a greater area. Each saddle part is modular, but ‘easy modular’ – a rider can swap their saddles flaps or change panels size in under 5 minutes without the need for spanners or wrenches. Happy Horse – Happy Rider.
What is the ethos driving your brand?
It is our aim to advise customers quickly, accurately and honestly with regards to either first time interest in a Bua or existing customers who may have fitting queries. If we think a Bua is not suitable for a customer, we will tell them so, if we feel it has good fit possibilities we will work to achieve the best possible solution for horse and rider.

What does the word Bua mean?
Bua means Victory or Triumph in Irish.
Going forward what are your goals for the Bua saddle?
Despite the pandemic Bua has continued to work on new designs, materials and products.
- Work is in place on a smaller seat size.
- Improving scope for Sellers network internationally.
- Simpler website layout with 2 new F..A.Q. and advice sections – one for new customers and one for existing customers.
- Looking after the small stuff – continuing to listen to our customers and delivering what we say we will deliver
Lastly Ivor, in four sentences, shamelessly pitch Bua Saddles to us!
- The 4.2 k.g. Bua has 2 trees, a tree for the rider and a tree for the horse which is flexible and allows movement in real time with the horses back.
- The saddle has built in adjustable seat suspension technology which is designed to help reduce the riders impact on the horses back.
- All components are modular allowing for quick and easy changing of flaps, and different specification panels to assist with seasonal conformation changes.
- Greater back and shoulder freedom for the horse allows for overall greater performance, combined with our superb price point.
Bua Saddles can be found online :