Picture of Aoife O’Donoghue

Aoife O’Donoghue

Hello! My name is Aoife O’Donoghue and I am 15 years old. I am in third year in The Ursuline Convent Thurles. I live in a small village called Clonoulty, just outside of Cashel in county Tipperary. I am so lucky that from a young age I have been surrounded by horses and ponies. I’m very grateful to have the support of my whole family, especially my parents, who have always been around to help me work towards my dreams and achieve my goals. I’ve had great success both showjumping and showing, usually on home produced ponies. I firmly believe that you get what you work for and so I’ve always strived for my successes. I am so excited to be writing for the grassroots gazette. I hope to use this platform to promote small businesses and highlight problems within the equestrian community and industry, among many other things. I am so grateful for this opportunity and I am delighted to be working alongside so many amazing writers and people.

A Selection of Articles By Aoife O’Donoghue


The Grassroots Eventing Champs.

‘The TRI Equestrian Grassroots Championships aims to give a platform for our incredible Grassroots members, those competing at EI80 to EI100, to compete against each

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The Grassroots Rider Academy

Why The Academy, Why Now? 

It is probable that the announcement of The Grassroots Riders Academy has come as a surprise to many people. The first of its kind in Ireland, this

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The Future of the Equestrian Sport

With the recent controversy surrounding equestrian sports and the industry and the bad reputation that has been falsely engineered around a few abnormal incidents, I

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The Grassroots Gazette

Equine Community Coming Together

Today marks the start of Equestrian Mental Health week. In an industry and in fact a community in which mental health is so readily overlooked,

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Articles By Aoife O’Donoghue



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