My horse hero is my cob Jack. He is a 14hh gelding, rising 27-year-old piebald cob, and he has been in my life for nearly 26 years.
I got Jack as a 1.5 year old, well my father purchased him in a horse mart in Co. Wicklow. My father didn’t tell me that he had purchased him until we followed Jack out of the ring after he sold “to have a better look at him”. When we got to his pen, my father asked me “What do you think of him?”. I replied not knowing what was coming next, “he’s probably the most beautiful horse I’ve ever seen”. To which my father replied “Well, he’s yours now”. I didn’t believe him because I was so shocked, not until he went in a paid for him and came back out with the receipt and was chatting to the guy he bought him from about transporting him to our home. Back then Jack cost £180 and for the rest of our lives he became priceless.

I have so many great memories with Jack. It is quite difficult to choose just one but I think for me it was the first time we went to a training day on a cross country course when we were based in Tralee Co. Kerry. With Jack being 14hh I was aiming for the smaller jumps. Jack however had a different plan in mind, when the horse’s we were with jumped the biggest jumps Jack was indicating that he wanted to follow on. I jumped a couple of the smaller ones but then I said we’d try a couple of the bigger ones and boy did he enjoy that. He was full of energy and excitement while still being so careful. In that moment I felt like he could’ve been 17hh and unreachable. I don’t think I stopped smiling the whole time on that course.
What sets them apart from any others?
The things that set Jack apart from others for me is the life long bond we have. I find it difficult to describe it really because it is a soul deep sort of feeling. When I used to ride Jack, it was always just for fun and always so that we could learn rather than competition. There were so many moments that I would just think about moving into canter and Jack would move into canter without any aids, or the same would be for halting. I could just talk to him or think of an intention and he would have it done before I could offer the physical aids. Another thing with him was he always tried to look after his rider and he could tell the difference between me riding him or if one of my young nieces or nephews were on board. For me he would have higher energy thinking that we were going to do something fun etc. but when a beginner was on board, he turned into a relaxed version of himself and waited with great patients to be asked what was required of him. Another specialty Jack has is training younger horses and setting strong boundaries with them so they learn how to be when humans (me mostly) are around. I have a rising 3 year old cob that has been with Jack for the last couple of years and he now also has this wonderful temperament and I believe a huge amount of that has been from Jack and his calm interactions with me.

What was your favourite discipline together?
My favourite discipline was carriage driving. We were part of a carriage club for a number of years and going for drives with a Jack and a trap were some of the best moments. In general the trust the horse puts in the driver to allow a harness to go on their body with winkers leaving them to only see whatever is directly in front of them and then attach a wooden trap behind them, is huge. I appreciate and respect Jack so much for these memories.
Proudest moment as a team
I’m so proud of everything about Jack but one of the proudest moments was him placing in a tough showing class in the National riding club championships a few years back. He was the only cob that was natural (unclipped with long mane and tail) in the class so I didn’t think he’d even get a look in but he got a ribbon and I was super proud of him. He is very handsome though.
Three words to describe your horse:
What do others say about her/him?
They mostly comment on his beauty and how quiet he is. Most of my friends are non horse people, but even they comment on his calming nature when they are around him.
What makes them special to you?
Jack has been with me through some of the most difficult moments in my life. We have basically grown up together. Being that I was 13 years old when I got him (I’m giving away my age now). We have travelled to different parts of Ireland together. He came with me where ever I moved but thankfully for both of us we are very settled in the last few years where we are and he has his own little herd to keep him busy.
What did you learn most from them?
I learn so much from Jack and now my younger cob too. Mainly it is patience, breathe through everything and you can get through it and that silence is so loud when I am with him. There is no need for words at all when I am with him and this brings me so much peace.
When did you first know they were your horse of a lifetime?
The moment in that mart when my dad told me that he was mine.

What makes your connection special?
I find this hard to describe in words. I think the connection we have is more of a feeling. a really deep in your soul kind of feeling. All I can say is I feel very much at peace when I am around him. Things in my life feel easier when I am in his presence.
Favourite thing to do with your horse?
My favourite thing to do with Jack now is to groom him and spend time with him. He is retired now so we mostly just hang around each other now. I love to watch his interactions with the younger cob too. Their presence is so powerful.