Meet Molly Perkins – The Grassroots Community Series

Molly Perkins: Triumph Over Adversity and Inspiring a New Generation

At just 21 years old, Molly Perkins is not just navigating the complexities of university life as a psychology student; she is also redefining resilience and empowerment in the equestrian world. Her partnership with Della, an 8-year-old Anglo European sport horse, transcends the typical rider-horse dynamic, offering a compelling narrative of recovery, ambition, and mutual growth.

From Injury to Inspiration

Molly’s journey took an unexpected turn in 2021 when a severe riding accident resulted in a fractured spine, casting a shadow over her future in equestrian sports. The road to recovery was fraught with challenges, not least of which was rebuilding her shattered confidence. Enter Della, a horse with a prestigious lineage, having been bred by Jonelle Price. Della was not just a new mount for Molly; she became a catalyst for profound personal transformation. “Della was the lifeline I needed; she helped me find my footing again in a sport I thought I had lost,” Molly shares.

The Trials of Rehabilitation

The duo faced significant setbacks early on. Just as they began to find their rhythm in 2023, Della suffered a fractured pedal bone, derailing their training plans and competition schedule. The majority of the year was then dedicated to Della’s meticulous rehabilitation, a process that tested their resilience but ultimately strengthened their bond. “Every day of rehab was a lesson in patience and perseverance. Della’s recovery mirrored my own journey back to the sport after my injury,” reflects Molly.

By the end of the year, their efforts bore fruit as they made a cautious yet triumphant return to competition, participating in dressage and combined training events. This comeback was not just about placing in competitions but about celebrating every moment of being back in the arena together.

Setting Ambitious Goals for 2024

With a new season on the horizon, Molly has set her sights on ambitious goals that reflect both her and Della’s growing capabilities. “We’re targeting the 90cm eventing circuit initially,” Molly states, outlining a plan that starts with unaffiliated events to build their confidence and competitive acumen. The ultimate goal for the season is the Bicton 3DE, an event renowned for its challenging long-format cross-country course. “Aiming for Bicton is about proving to ourselves that we can handle not just the physical demands of the event but the mental ones as well,” she adds.

Should they find success early on, Molly is considering stepping up to 1m classes by the season’s end, an ambitious leap that speaks to their restored confidence and competitive spirit.

Empowering Others Through Experience

Molly’s decision to join the Grassroots Community Series stems from a desire to share her story and inspire others facing similar hurdles. “I believe in the power of sharing our struggles and successes. If my journey can encourage even one person to step back into the arena, then it’s worth telling,” she asserts. Through her involvement, Molly hopes to advocate for perseverance and resilience, encouraging a new generation of riders to face challenges with determination and courage.

Beyond Competition: Advocacy and Outreach

Looking to expand her influence beyond the competitive arena, Molly is excited about the opportunity to engage in podcasts and panel discussions that address key issues within the sport. “We need to talk about the challenges we face in this sport, from injuries and mental health struggles to the highs of crossing the finish line,”. “It’s about honesty and transparency. I want to share the ups and downs, the setbacks, and the victories,” Molly explains. With upcoming media training, she aims to reach a broader audience, offering insights and encouragement to those grappling with their own equestrian challenges.

A Rallying Call to the Equestrian Community

“If you’ve ever questioned your ability to bounce back, take heart from our story,” Molly encourages. “Join me on this adventure,” she continues, “and together, let’s reshape what victory looks like in equestrian sports. It’s not just about the accolades—it’s about grit, unity, and expanding the limits of what we can achieve.”

“Together, we can transform every obstacle into a stepping stone. Let’s not just aim for success; let’s set a new standard for it,” Molly declares.

This is our invite to everyone to be part of this transformative journey for grassroots equestrians, the first ever Grassroots Community Series.

Until Next Time,



Meet Molly Perkins – The Grassroots Community Series

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