Riding to New Horizons: The Journey of the First Ever Grassroots Rider Academy Graduates

In the world of equestrian sports, passion, dedication, and the pursuit of excellence are the hallmarks of success. For the five riders who emerged from the first-ever Grassroots Rider Academy, these qualities are ever present in their lives, even in the world of amateur horse riding. We had the privilege of watching these talented individuals learn more about their experiences, insights, and the transformative power of the academy on both their riding careers and personal mindset

I sat down with the girls ahead of Monday nights Episode 1 launch to talk about The Grassroots Rider Academy, what they learned and how it feels to know the world will be watching them in the series.

Describe your rider academy experience in 3 words.

Megan: “Exhilarating, Inspiring and groundbreaking.” 

Amy: “Exciting, inspiring and life-changing” 


Niamh: “Best laughs ever ” 

Chloe: “transformative, Challenging, Empowering”

Why were those the words that came to mind?

Megan: “Exhilarating- for several reasons but to narrow it down, the educational experience to progress my skills pushing my motivation and goals higher than before. The community and camaraderie, connecting with like-minded people, building each other up adding excitement of the overall experience. 

Inspiring – The Grassroot Academy was inspiring because it not only imparted knowledge but also instilled a sense of passion, growth, and community within the equestrian world, motivating individuals to achieve their goals and aspirations. Working alongside passionate instructors and listening to their success stories.

Groundbreaking – the Grassroot Academy was groundbreaking due to its innovative, accessible, and comprehensive approach to equestrian education, which has the potential to transform the way the equestrian community learns both physically and through the use of media, connecting and advancing within the field.

Amy:Exciting because it was a completely new experiment and we were getting to meet and train with our heroes! Inspiring to see first-hand what the Grassroots Gazette had made happen and to meet the wonderful final 9 and learn about their journeys.

Life changing because it has changed how I see my journey with Freddie forever and has inspired me to take more risks and embrace the journey not just the results. 

Intense because the training was rigorous, both physically and mentally. Transformational because I emerged as a completely different rider. Lifelong because the lessons and friendships will stay with me forever.”

Claire: “I still can’t quite believe it happened – it was like being awake in a dream!! I loved every single second and will cherish the memories, opportunities and things learnt for the rest of my life!.”

Niamh: “Myself and Laura honestly laughed from the minute we got to Sleighduff until we left!”

Chloe: “It was transformative because it pushed me outside my comfort zone and taught me to be okay with that, challenging as it demanded growth, and empowering as it instilled confidence and resilience.”

How has life changed for you since taking part in the Rider Academy?

Megan: “After discussing all the happenings of the academy I believe I am definitely a much more focused, motivated and forward-thinking person. I always would have been a ‘quiet’, maybe ‘shy’ person and although I would still come across as a ‘quiet’ person I know what I want and I know what I need to do to get there. With the horses, my goals and aspirations feel much more achievable now than I’d ever believed..”

Amy: “I am much more resilient when I make mistakes and I try to focus more on the journey not the outcome – it’s a work in progress, but there’s a definite shift and it’s exciting.”

Claire: “I don’t worry so much about boring non-horse people with horse talk. I’ve realised that the people around you will support your passions and share your enthusiasm and if they don’t – they’re not your core people and why should their opinion matter?!”

Niamh: “Life has changed in that I have made some great friends from the experience, it wasn’t an aspect of the academy that I had thought about when applying but it has given me great opportunities to go outside of my comfort zone.”

Chloe: “Lots has happened since. I competed in my first 1.10 with Willow, I did my first novice test with Willow and I had my first fall off Willow!!

How does it feel to know that at 8 p.m. tonight, the world is going to be watching you (and your horse)?

Megan: “I would say I’m both ecstatic and hyped. I know how much work went in from absolutely everyone involved and it will be amazing to be able to sit back and watch it all. As we were living in the moment of it all happening whilst it was being filmed, I feel like we will have forgotten or perhaps not have even remembered doing certain things as we were so focused on the task in front of us. And being able to watch it on screen is just incredible, something I never thought I’d be part of..”

Amy: “Nervous and excited all at once! I can’t wait for people to see Freddie, he’s just so special! You know when your mate videos you and you watch your horse a million times jumping the same course? That will be me! I can’t wait to see the other riders too, I know I was there but it will bring it all back- they are just so brilliant and lovely. Nervous – because there’s that fear of judgement when people see me nerves and all – but if I’ve learned anything it’s that I can’t control what others think, only how I react and if we are ourselves, then that’s all that counts.

Claire: “Can I go into hiding?? Only joking! I will be watching right along with them! I am so excited to see it from this perspective!.”

Niamh: “It feels very scary to know that the first episode is out tonight. I will find it hard to watch myself on the screen but I am so excited to see the other girls.”

Chloe: “I’m really excited to relive the experience and it’s a reminder that the equestrian community for amateurs should be supportive and not a competition between us. “

Anything else you want the audience to know?

Megan: “I hope everyone is excited as I am! It’s a gap in the industry that nobody has taken a chance on before and to give this to amateur riders is phenomenal! At the end of the day we are the backbone of the community – so sit back and enjoy the show!”

Amy: “Everyone should know that Claire, my groom for the academy, is the best friend and cheerleader anyone could ever hope for. Everyone should get themselves a Claire, although they’re hard to come by! Oh, and Claire and I have a team name…Team Clamy, see what we did there? We shout it at each other heading out the strat box XC, “Go Team Clamy!”. I kept that in for months, but the truth is out now”

Claire: “Do not watch this and think of it as some arbitrary, intangible experience that would be far beyond your reach! This could literally be YOU! YOU could be part of season 2 or 3 or 4 etc. Embrace it. Learn from it. Visualise yourself as being part of it!!”

Chloe “Believe in your horse and yourself!.”

The first-ever Grassroots Rider Academy has not only transformed the lives and riding careers of these five talented individuals but has also served as an inspiration to the entire equestrian community. Their stories remind us that with determination, the right support, and a growth mindset, one can achieve greatness and reach new horizons in both riding and life.

Tonight, as the world watches in anticipation, Episode 2 drops and we can all share in the pride and excitement of these remarkable riders as they showcase their newfound skills and boundless passion for equestrian sports.

Check out our YouTube Channel to see Episode 1 and 2.


Riding to New Horizons: The Journey of the First Ever Grassroots Rider Academy Graduates

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