Meet Emma Heffernan – The Grassroots Community Series

Emma Heffernan: Defying Odds and Redefining Strength in the Saddle

In the heart of Co. Cork, Emma Heffernan is not just riding horses—she’s redefining what it means to be a fearless competitor in the face of adversity. As a deaf rider with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS), her journey in the equine world is nothing short of inspiring. It’s about pushing limits, challenging norms, and proving that true grit comes in many forms.

Back in the Saddle: A Story of Unyielding Resolve

Since the age of four, Emma’s life has been intertwined with horses. Today, she’s gearing up to become an equine physical therapist and coach, a testament to her unwavering dedication to the animals that define her world. But it’s not just about her professional aspirations—Emma’s personal riding journey is equally compelling.

Emma’s equine roster reads like a roll call of resilience: Izzy, the rescue pony turned competition partner; Indie, the OTTB saved from slaughter, now prepping for the show ring; and Poppy, the German WB x ISH show jumper with a comeback story that epitomizes the spirit of every horse and rider facing setbacks.

Poppy: A Season of Trials and Triumphs

2023 was a rollercoaster for Emma and Poppy. Starting strong, Poppy showed early promise in 80cm classes but faced a series of challenges that tested both her and Emma’s resolve. “Absolute carnage,” Emma recalls, “Poppy’s first season out was a learning curve—more time spent on the ground than in the saddle some days.” Yet, with each fall came a rise, as Poppy moved up to 90cm, clearing courses and growing more confident with every jump.

Their progress was abruptly cut short by an injury, sidelining Poppy and testing Emma’s spirit and skill in rehabilitation. But as with every challenge Emma faces, she approached it with a plan and a passion, determined to bring Poppy back stronger than ever. “She’s a bit of a lunatic,” Emma says affectionately, “but she’s our lunatic, and every challenge she throws our way, we meet together.”

Why Grassroots? Why Now?

Emma’s voice is crucial in today’s equine discourse. “I bring a different perspective—a raw, unfiltered look at the not-so-rosy side of horse management and competition.” Her story is about persistence, about overcoming not just physical barriers but also the mental battles that come with navigating a path less trodden.

“I took the road less travelled by and that has made all the difference”

Emma’s inclusion in the Grassroots Community Series isn’t just fitting—it’s essential. It’s for every rider who feels they don’t have the right horse, the right background, or the right story. Emma represents them, and her narrative is one of hope, strength, and unyielded determination.

A Call to the Community

This is more than a story of overcoming odds; it’s a call to action. Emma’s journey embodies the essence of what it means to be part of a community that doesn’t just strive for success but supports each other through failures and setbacks. “Joining the Grassroots Community Series means I can inspire others to keep going, to push through the hard days and to celebrate every small victory on the way to achieving their dreams.”

The Road Ahead

As Emma continues to write her story with each competition, each training session, and each exam, she challenges us to look at our own paths. Are we as resilient? As determined? As supportive of those who face adversity or struggle around us?

In Emma Heffernan, we see the power of a community that lifts each other up—a testament to the strength and spirit of the grassroots equestrian world. “Here’s to strong women: may we know them, may we be them, may we raise them,” goes the adage. In Emma, we recognise all these elements and more. Join us in supporting her and countless others who redefine what strength looks like in the equine industry.

We can not wait to track Emma’s Journey across our groundbreaking community generated content series. What a person, what a partnership, what a story and what a year ahead.

Until Next Time,



Meet Emma Heffernan – The Grassroots Community Series

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