Weekly RoundUp with Katie Kiely

Another chance to highlight our wonderful community, no better person to be highlighted than the superstar Katie Kylie, winner of the inspiration award at the first Grassroots Gazette Awards Night. 

Tell us about the event and how you got on? 

I went to Ballivor horseshow on Sunday. The show was run perfectly by the organisers. It was my 1st time in the Show ring ever, and I was so thrilled to come home with 3rd place in the coloured class. 

How did you prepare for the event? Any challenges coming into this?

My poor neighbour injured her ankle the week previous, and as her mare was already entered we decided the show must go on, literally. With a week to prepare I found myself in tweed by Sunday. As it was my first time, I was doing as much preparation as I could crammed into 6 days. I was trying to remember my show piece, all the tips and tricks, it was hectic but I loved it! 

Anyone you want to give a shout out to? It really does take a village.

My neighbour was brilliant all week, teaching me the ropes! We were hours getting Ebony show ring ready. Elaine was my top groom for the day she was amazing! My family and friends came down to support me and it was so lovely to have them there, they all helped me out so much and cheered me on, took so many pictures and videos, I’m so appreciative to everyone! 

How do you handle the pressures and stress that might come competing in events like this?

I find I’m pretty good in competition environments, I’d want to be at this stage 😂 my advice is always, give yourself plenty of time so there’s no rushing. Fill your head with absolute confidence, it translates to your body, and visa versa. Remain present, in the moment when in the competition itself, that way your very consciously riding each step and movement. And enjoy it! 

What’s the one event you’d like to compete in and win? 

I would really love to compete internationally with my own dressage mare, all fingers and toes crossed! 

What have got you to say about your horse/pony?

Ebony was absolutely perfect on Sunday. She is a horse I teach a lot and have ridden a good few times, but my first time ever competing her. she’s just 7 and is so level headed so you can really ride how you would at home on her. She really gave me such a great feeling in the ring and she didn’t put a foot wrong. She’s so special and I’m really grateful to have ridden her because she gave all of us a really great day out. 

Most proud of this weekend?

I’m so proud of everyone for making it such a successful day, it really does take a village and I’m just super proud of Ebby. 

What’s up next for you? Any big events coming up? 

We have lots coming up thankfully! We might be dipping our toe in the show ring again! we have some lovely horses at home all doing different things so I’m never bored or idle 😂 I’m so lucky that was and I’m really looking forward to the season ahead for them. 

What advice do you have for others wanting to compete like this? 

Go for it! Absolutely go for it, you’ll have an amazing day! Even if you’ve never tried a discipline, like me and showing, step out of your comfort zone and give it a shot, it’s so worth it!


Weekly RoundUp with Katie Kiely

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